Goodbye Samsung
Suddenly, in this year it has been 12 years of impeccable service already :)
That's actually somewhat symbolic: the full zodiac cycle is finished now: I came to the company with the Water Dragon and now leaving it together with the Wooden Dragon. And since I've been born in the year of Earth Dragon it seems I have to perform a scrutiny on my whole horoscope to get a proper alignment with the stars.
Back to the real life—I definitely regret nothing: that was a really great experience. Work with Samsung Research is interesting and provided enough challenges not to get bored during all these years. I took part in several interesting movements, attended worldwide conferences and affected (indirectly though) lots of products used by a huge amount of people all around the world. The environment is friendly, my colleagues were a great team and I'll miss some of our out-of-office activities.
But anyway, I've reached my limit in the overseas center and now it's time to move further.
Hello Toyota
During the last winter I accidentally met a vacancy description posted by the Woven by Toyota company which ridiculously resembled the job description I've prepared to hire new members into my team. And this match seemed so funny to me that I decided to apply.
Actually, all the communications with the company went perfectly smooth and positively: starting from initial HR screening and up to the management skill interview on the last stages. Every person I had pleasure to communicate with, undoubtedly was a perfect professional and met every expectation I might have been waiting for. All the discussions left the feeling of an interesting company to work with and the resulting offer was realistic, convincing, and seemed as a good deal to me. Just like the thing I'd be expecting to get from a big company with established processes.
So after all these interview rounds and some discussions including a talk to myself the decision has been made:let's move to Tokyo!.
Moving actually
This year introduced lots of changes into my life: I got married (yeah, it looks like my "year results" post will be very interesting), and now I change the job and moving into a new country I've never been to.
After I got an offer letter and accepted it I had to settle up all the matters in Moscow, and it was not so easy-I didn't expect such a relocation before, so I prepared my apartments for myself and there were some very specific things like my personal self-made Smart Home, also my motorbike is suited for traveling thought the Russia and possibly some related places. But anyway after decision is made you have to concentrate on the task, split it into the sub-tasks, and finish all of them one-by-one before the appointed flight time comes.
So there were some weeks of quite a nervous activity but now it seems I'm almost prepared for a travel. All the belongings are packed and mostly sent, the car is sold, the apartment is prepared to be rental and the only thing I couldn't leave is my bike—I just preserved it and packed for a while in a hope to transfer one to my new place.
Expectations of future
Currently I can't predict my future with some appropriate accuracy but still I'm sure my life becomes more interesting and I suppose I'll be sharing more of my life experiences both in the blog and all over the social network services.
Anyway, I've been living in Moscow for a long time now, I lived in Seoul for a couple of months, visited quite some cities, and I'm totally sure that the Tokyo difference from Moscow is much less than the Japan difference from Russia. There are definitely some local nuances and peculiarities to be worried about but the people live there and I have no doubts I'll fit Tokyo not worse that any megalopolis on Earth.
Blog future
It's hard to say right now but I'm nearly sure that after my arrival to Tokyo I'll have a split—on the one hand I'll have lots of new things to share and on the other hand there won't be enough time to prepare proper descriptions for all these changes. So I guess I'll reanimate my Instagram and will dramatically improve my activity in fedi, but not sure about the long stories to tell.